We specialize in Ex Equipment and Services for the Oil & Gas Industries
"Welcome to Source IEx, your source for International Electrical Components Ex Products meeting ATEX, ANZEx, IECEx, GOST-R, GOST-K, Cepel, and other International Standards and Codes. We have a wide range of products from manufacturers from around the world designed to the latest International Standards for industrial and commercial electrical and instrumentation applications. Products include enclosures, cable trays, cables, lighting, cable glands, signaling products, motor controls, and much more. We hope we can be of assistance to you on your next international project requirement. We now also offer consultancy and IECEx specialized training services for clients involved in Ex projects and equipment.
"To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please click here"

Welcome to Source IEx, your Source for internationally approved electrical products and training/inspection services
We hope you enjoy our new website with lots of new information on international standards, products and solutions from all over the world. We are based just outside Houston, the Oil Capital of the world ready to serve you with excellent service, great technical support and tremendous cost effective solutions for your next Ex and ordinary location electrical requirements. We invite you to spend some time with us online and review some of the innovative products from our key business partners and services we provide.

Join us via Zoom and participate in our free Ex webinars!
We are now holding webinars via Zoom and invite you to participate! Our first sessions will be on Ex Competency - How to comply held July 16th and 17th. To register, please visit our webinar page by clicking here and join us for an hour long Q&A on the topic of competency in Ex.
We hope you can join us!
Source IEx is now an IECEx Recognized Training Provider (RTP)
We are pleased to announce that we have become an IECEx Recognized Training Provider and have teamed up with QPS Evaluation Services, an IECEx Certificate of Competency Provider to offer training and assessments to the IECEx Competency Scheme. We can offer these modules here at our training facility in Spring or at your location depending on the module type.
The IECEx 05 CoPC Scheme is the first international scheme designed to provide personnel with a certificate that is recognized worldwide. It can cover areas of design, selection, installation, maintenance, inspection, audit and overhaul and repair of Ex equipment, based upon the candidate's requirements.
To register and view the course calendar, please click here and to download the course content brochure with more details on each module, please click here.
Latest news...
11th April
We are pleased to announce we are an official authorized partner of Inspectio, Ex inspection cloud based software and will be exhibiting with us at OTC this coming May. Contact us for a demonstration of this revolutionary new software and please click on our Inspectio webpage by clicking here...
9th March
Please welcome Robyn Ryles to the Source IEx team. Robyn comes to us outside the industry but brings a wealth of experience in taking care of customers. Please welcome Robyn to the Source IEx team!
JanuaryWelcome Paul Goonan to Source IEx! Paul has a wealth of experience in assisting customers worldwide and we are very fortunate to have him joining our team and is a welcome addition to Source IEx!