Oil & Gas CCTV Systems
HERNIS develops advanced camera-based surveillance systems for marine and oil & gas installations world wide. Our solutions contribute to increased efficiency and provide safety for people and equipment in hazardous areas and under extreme conditions. HERNIS has a leading position in the CCTV niche, enhanced by an emphasis on tailor made technology. Flexible solutions are offered, with systems available for a broad range of needs, covering the spectrum from hazardous environments to luxury cruise ship interiors. HERNIS' equipment is characterized by low installation and maintenance cost and unrivalled durability. HERNIS can offer full CCTV systems consisting exclusively of DNV Type Approved units. We are proud here at Source IEx to become a master distributor for HERNIS for the Gulf Coast and look forward to working with you on your next communication project.
Listed below are data sheets on some of the most common HERNIS products.
Ex285T Thermal Ex Camera

The EX285T is an EX-proof camera station designed for night-time surveillance in marine/EX environments. The key function is to detect oil spills on water surface, as well as personnel and vessel detection in total darkness. The sensor is a long-wave infrared thermal imaging device (7-14 micron), able to detect a person at up to 500m distance. (Detects an object 2,5x2,5 square meters at up to 1000m). No cooling unit is required for the sensor, and thus the lifetime is estimated to 20 000 hours. The camera station is delivered complete and fully tested with camera, lens and telemetry control for HERNIS 400, 250 and 200 control systems..
Camera Dome Camera Station Ex270

HERNIS’ EX Series are highly advanced process and surveillance camera stations that are certified to meet worldwide explosion proof environments. In the EX270 we have succeeded in eliminating the problem of distorted optional rendering, traditionally a challenge with EX dome camera stations. Our research and engineering was focused on correct optical rendering which resulted in a dome that allows for an astounding 36x zoom without mentionable image distortion. The customized dome is hardcoated for Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC). In practice this means that any extra safety measures during cleaning in Ex zones are now rendered superfluous. The hard coating further adds scratch resistance. The dome offers endless panoramic rotation and 180deg tilt with vertical image flip. Speed; 116 degrees per second. Envision the dome being ceiling mounted in a hallway. You want to follow an object moving towards the camera, then moving past it. Without the image flip the object would appear upside down after having passed the camera. The HERNIS dome will however automatically flip the image for you once the object has passed for a natural viewing angle. The design optimises position accuracy and in poor light conditions the camera will automatically turn to black and white for optimal image quality. Autofocus further increases the user experience. The EX270 may be used with any HERNIS CCTV control system and can be mounted standing or hanging depending on the viewport required. A single cable is sufficient to transmit data, power and video, routed directly to the control cabinet, eliminating the need for additional junction box equipment.
To open the Ex270 brochure, please click here
Camera Station S9 Weatherproof System

HERNIS’ weather proof series are highly advanced process and surveillance camera stations. Like all HERNIS camera stations the S9 is designed specifically for use in extreme environments, and is just as well suited for desert areas as for the corrosive environments onboard marine vessels and oil & gas installations. Its high quality electro polished 316L Stainless Steel exterior ensures maximum resilience to environmental exposure and direct sunlight, avoiding heat absorption and the smooth surface is practically maintenance free. The S9 Camera Station is designed to meet the DNV requirements for Type Approval Certification. Rated to IP 66 the camera station certifies protection from high-pressure water from any direction, including green sea, guaranteeing no harmful effects. The S9 station can be fitted with optional camera/lens combinations ranging from varifocal fixed lenses to motorised 36x zoom lenses. Its compact footprint and proficient system components allow for ease of installation and configuration. A single cable is sufficient for the transmission of data, power and video, routed directly to the control cabinet. The camera station is supplied with scratch proof tempered glass and can be delivered with an integrated wiper (model S9W).
To open the S9/S9W Camera brochure, please click here
Camera station EX292

HERNIS’ EX Series are highly advanced process and surveillance camera stations that are certified to meet worldwide explosion proof environments. The tiny EX292 fixed camera station's compact design makes it an extremely versatile camera station requiring very little space. Like all HERNIS CCTV equipment the EX292 is purpose built for extreme environments. Scheduled for DNV Type approval in 2015, the camera station is designed for operation in the most demanding locations, withstanding physical environmental challenges like vibration, humidity, extreme temperature variations and corrosion. Rated to IP 66 the camera station verifies protection from high-pressure water from any direction guaranteeing no harmful effects. A single HERNIS multi-cable is sufficient to transmit data, power and video, routed directly to the control cabinet, eliminating the need for additional junction box equipment, and allowing for ease of installation and configuration. The EX292 is supplied with mounting bracket as standard.
To open EX292 Camera brochure, please click here
EX291 SubSea Fixed Camera Station

- The EX291 subsea camera station is certified for use in hazardous areas and designed for operation in splash zones and on depths down to 30 m (IP68 3 bar). It is DNV Type Approved, meaning it has been tested for operation in the most demanding locations withstanding physical environmental challenges like vibration, humidity, extreme temperature variations and corrosion. Like all HERNIS CCTV equipment the EX291 subsea is purpose built. The subsea camera station is delivered complete with vulcanised multicable eliminating water intrusion and handling the transmission of both data, power and video. Built-in electronics simplify the installation and minimise the need for maintenance. Internal heating eliminates any risk of icing or malfunction due to low temperatures, whereas the high quality stainless steel exterior is meticulously electro polished to ensure maximum resilience drawing carbon to the surface and reflecting direct sunlight to avoid heat absorption. Low power consumption combined with a reflective surface has resulted in the lowest surface temperature classification possible, i.e. T6. The EX291 subsea camera station is supplied with scratch resistant tempered glass. The EX291 can be used in combination with EX291L (Light) for added visibility.
- To open the EX291 Camera Station brochure, please click here
Display Units

HERNIS delivers a wide variety of high quality monitors and display units for industrial and Ex-endangered areas, each carefully selected to suite the customers demand and the extreme performance criteria in the marine and Oil & gas industry. The display units vary from small field service monitors of 5,6" and slightly larger crane cabin displays to large screens of up to 60". The resolution offered depends on the requirement on type and performance. We supply 4:3 and 16:9 formats and all units can be supplied in PAL or NTSC format.
Monitors can be flush mount, desk mount, wall or ceiling mount. To open the HERNIS FLEX System brochure, please click here
Crane Camera CT30Ex

HERNIS' well proven Crane TV system meets the requirements of Crane operators worldwide. The Crane TV system is certified to be installed in hazardous areas and is primarily used on offshore cranes, supplied with up to 3 cameras providing clear view of the cargo, the wire drum and pedestal enhancing hoisting operations.
The Model CT30Ex Advanced has two remote controlled camera inputs with a joystick-based operation control. The system offers onscreen menus for easy configuration and adjustment of parameters. Auto Object Tracking and One controllable/fixed camera station or Picture in Picture (PIP) Unit are available as options.
To open the Crane Camera brochure, please click here
To open the full Hernis CCTV Solutions Catalog, please click here