Source IEx IECEx Training & Competency Services
IECEx Training & Assessments
As an IECEx Recognized Training Provider (RTP), Source IEx can provide the training required to proceed and obtain your IECEx CoPC certification. We are pleased to have partnered up with QPS Evaluation Services, a IECEx Certification of Personnel Competency provider as well an IECEx Certification Body (ExCB) and IECEx Testing Laboratory (ExTL) to provide those candidates a "one-stop" process in getting both trained, assessed and certified in one location at one time. Training is based upon the IECEx 05 CoPC Scheme and is broken down into various customized modules below. The training we provide can be used to apply for your Ex qualifications and cover areas of design, selection, installation, maintenance, inspection, audit, overhaul and repair of Ex equipment, based on the applicant’s requirements.
Download the Brochure on the IECEx Ex 05 Certificate of Personnel Competency Program and review of modules here
Download the Frequently Asked Questions Brochure on the CoPC program click here
QPS Evaluation Services is an approved certification (CoPC) body in providing certification around the following Ex modules:
- Ex 001 - Apply basic principles of protection in explosive atmospheres
- Ex 002 - Perform classification of hazardous areas
- Ex 003 - Install explosion-protected equipment and wiring systems
- Ex 007 - Perform visual & close inspection of electrical installations in or associated with explosive atmosheres
- Ex 008 - Perform detailed inspection of electrical installations in or associated with explosive atmopheres
- Ex 009 - Design electrical installations in or associated with explosive atmospheres

These courses can be held at either our training facility here in Spring or can be held at your facility anywhere in the the US and Canada.
To register and view a class calendar, please click here
Contact us today for more information on IECEx training held here in Spring or at your location.